This medical condition is characterized by chronic widespread pain and high rate of pain to pressure. There are some other problems as well such as problems in sleeping, memory troubles and exhaustion to such degree where your normal activities are disturbed. Further problems are signs of pain in legs which make them restless, problems in bladder, losing focus, itching, problems facing lights, temperature and sensitivity to noise. (1)

This type of disease appears when you take continuous stress, anxiety and delayed-stress syndrome. It often leads to chronic pains. The word fibromyalgia comes from two languages as Fibra word comes from Latin language which means fiber and Myo comes from Greek word which means muscle and algos means pain. Thus the term means the pain in muscles and fibrous connective tissues.  Muhammad Younas was the researcher who coined the term fibromyalgia as synonyms of fibrositis and it was first used in scientific publication in 1981.

Causes of Fibromyalgia

The reasons of fibromyalgia are still unknown. Anyhow, many theories are made including central sensitization.  According to this theory, people that are suffering from fibromyalgia feel a low intensity of pain and a high rate of increase in pain-sensitive nerve cells in the brain or spinal cord. In this disease, major depressive disorders and neuropathic pains often co-occur. This happens mainly due to genetic abnormalities.

Being an individual, there are so many tensions around us such as illness and psychological stress that can cause many hurdles in inflammatory section and stress that both are used to regulate mood and pain. The term fibromyalgia can be described as when the rate of the neurons in your body are set too high that’s why the hyper-excitability pain pathways in the brain make you feel the pain. It regulates the neurochemical abnormalities such as mood, sleep and faint problems that are most common abnormalities in fibromyalgia. Here we discuss some factors that are responsible for fibromyalgia.

  • Genetics: According to research it is described that fibromyalgia is connected with variation of genes, glycogen, norepinephrine and adrenalin. Anyhow, this variation is not basically particular for fibromyalgia but it might be caused by a range of allied disorders among which depression is also included.
  • Lifestyle and trauma: there are many factors which may cause fibromyalgia but stress is counted as the basic factor for forming this disease. There are several types of stress such as delayed-stress disorder, chronic faint signs and depression. Some other factors such as being smoker increase in weight and laziness. According to narrative view, they found that psychological problems are connected with fibromyalgia, yet not as in chronic faint  signs.
  • Sleep disturbance: it is also the main reason for fibromyalgia. Researchers have found that it may cause muscles hardness. Mork and Nielsen identified a relation between issues in sleep and risk of fibromyalgia.

Signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia:

It is observed that 2-8% of the population is affected with this disease. The infected rate of women is higher as compared to men. The rate of infection of fibromyalgia remains the same in every corner of the world and in every culture. Some notable symptoms of fibromyalgia such as faintness, sleep disturbance, chronic widespread pain are particularly common. Some other symptoms may include nerve pain, weakness in the legs, cramps and disturbance in the functions of bowel. Most of people may suffer some rational problems, problems which may be specified by impaired concentration, with short-term and long-term memory.

This disease may occur when an individual suffers with depression and anxiety. Despite the fact, fibromyalgia depends upon widespread pain, but the pain may also be felt in different parts of body such as neck, shoulders, hips, low back and other areas. Many people who suffer from this disease may also experience different degrees of radiate pain and have high rate of diarthrosis joint dysfunction.

According to NHS, widespread pain must be recommended as the symptom which is more like a burning sensation, an itch or a pain which is occurred by stabbing. In the past years, the doctors used to check their patient’s body from 18 different points to check in which part, they would feel the pain by pressing it firmly. But now American college of Rheumatology doesn’t recommend any tender test for checking. According to the criteria, there are some points in which the patient feels the pain the most; you have at least four to five points on which you may feel pain:

  • Upper region on left: in this region the part of body including shoulder, arm or in jaw you feel pain.
  • Upper region on right: it is just as like the upper region on left as shoulder, arm or jaw.
  • Lower region on left: in these areas you may feel pain in hip, buttock or legs.
  • Lower region on right: areas like hip and legs.

Treatment for fibromyalgia (2) 

You can cure the disease of fibromyalgia by different methods such as by medicines or by self-care strategies. Your main goal must be to decrease the severity of this disease and to live a healthy life. It is noticed that not all treatments work on every disease, but you must use different strategies to control on the disease. Through medication, you can improve your sleep and reduce the pain of fibromyalgia. Some different but choices for medication are as follows:

  • Pain relievers: Over the counter (OTC) pain relievers opioid medications are not suggested because they possess many side effects and the pain may become more severe over time.
  • Antidepressants: the pain and fatigue which are connected to fibromyalgia duloxetine and milnacipran may help to have some ease. Due to these reasons your doctor might recommend the muscle relaxant to have a sound sleep.
  • Anti-seizure drug: in this disease the patient who suffers epilepsy, these medications are often used to reduce the pains. You must follow the instructions of your doctor in order to sort out the problems which are related to this disease.
