Causes(1): – Psoriasis is basically a skin disease. In this disease, skin cells multiply 10 times faster than normal cells. It’s possible that this condition could grow anywhere on the body but it grows more likely on knees, elbow, scalp and lower back. It is the disease that is caused by the malfunctioning of immune system. The reason behind the malfunction of immune system is not clear enough. The main factors that affect the immune system are genetics or environmental factors. This factor plays a vital role in this regard. The main causes are.

  • Stress
  • Genes
  • Weather
  • Heavy alcohol.
  • Smoking
  • Skin injury.
  • Immune system.

An accident including cuts or scrapes can trigger psoriasis. The other causes are shots, vaccines and sunburn. Some medicines are also the cause of psoriasis and they might include lithium, antimalarial medication and high blood pressure medication. Heavy alcohol consumption also flares up psoriasis. Doctors suggest a long-term suitable plan for quitting alcohol. Stress also flare-up psoriasis. Usually sigh stress can affect psoriasis and if anyone is feeling these symptoms, they must visit their doctor immediately. They will suggest some medication or some mind relaxing therapy. Infections are one of the causes for the malfunctioning of immune system. If the immune system is fighting with any infection in the body, this condition will trigger the psoriasis in the body and flare it up. Strep throat is a common trigger. Genetic transformation is also the cause for psoriasis.

This should be an inherited disease. According to NAF (National Psoriasis Foundation) about 2 to 3 % people have genetic psoriasis. If patient’s family have this type of condition in the past, they are at a higher risk of developing psoriasis. According to NAF, the percentage of genetic psoriasis is very low, but some people inherit this disease from their family and forefathers.

People who live in cold, dry areas are more prone to get psoriasis. Tobacco smoking is also one of the main causes of psoriasis but also increases the severity of disease. This cause plays a vital role in developing the disease or also increases the risk of security in the body. These all are the main and essential causes of developing psoriasis.

Complications: There are many complications that the patients have to suffer and they include:-

  • Obesity
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Cardiac disease.
  • High B.P.
  • Swelling of body.
  • Stiffness of body.
  • Diabetes type T.
  • Celiac disease, iron’s deficiency
  • Sclerosis

If the patient is suffering from psoriasis, they are at a higher risk of suffering from other diseases like it increases the chances of Heart attack, Cardiac complications. Due to this disease, patients also have to suffer from stiffness of muscles and eye conditions which may include conjunctivitis, blepharitis and uveitis. 

Types: – the most common types of psoriasis are:-

  • Plaque psoriasis.
  • Nail psoriasis.
  • Gut late psoriasis.
  • Inverse psoriasis.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis.
  • Psoriatic arthritis.

Plaque psoriasis: – it is the most common form of psoriasis. It is usually appears on the elbow, knees, and scalp and lower back.  It usually attacks the skin and contains skin, red patches that are usually covered with silvery scales. It may be itchy.

Nail psoriasis: – it is the disease that affects the nails. In this case it affects toe nails and finger nails and causes discoloration and abnormal growth. The nail in this condition loosen up or are separated from onycholysis.

Erythrodermic psoriasis: – it is usually less common disease. It occurs mostly in adults and children where their body is covered by red patches on and this intensively burns or itches as well.

Gut late psoriasis: – it usually occurs in adults or children. It happens due to bacterial infection such as strep throat. It causes small marks on trunk arms or legs on body.

Inverse psoriasis: – it is the rare form of psoriasis. It most commonly affects the breast, buttocks and skin folds. It causes red skin patches that can get worse during friction and sweating. Fungal infection many flare up their type. This causes smooth red patches.

Distiller psoriasis: – this is also a rare form and causes puss filled lesions. It usually occurs in palms of hands or the soles of the feet.

Psoriasis arthritis: – as we know in the arthritis joints may be swollen causing a lot of pain. In psoriasis, joint symptoms are the sign of psoriasis. This can cause stiffness and joint damage in many severe cases; it also leads to permanent joint damage. In this type, nail changes could be seen.

Symptoms/signs: – the signs and symptoms of psoriasis vary from person to person, the most common signs are:-

  • Red patches.
  • Stiffness of joints.
  • Burning of patch.
  • Dry skin that bleed or cracked.
  • Swelling of joints.
  • Soreness
  • Small scaling point (in child)

The symptoms usually appears in legs, arms, ankles, face, scalp, lower back, chest etc. These symptoms included red patches on the body, which may burn while sweating. It can cover the larger area of the body and cause discomfort or pain and become very severe day by day.

Most of the patients go from cycles of symptoms. This condition may get severe after some days or weeks. Life with psoriasis can be challenging but it can get better with proper treatment and medication. According to AAP and NPF, about 30% to 33% people with psoriasis receive the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis.

Treatment (2): – psoriasis has no treatment but the aim is to reduce the redness and stiffness of cells or to reduce the itching, and slow down the unusual red patches on the skin. The most common treatments include:-

  • Topical contortionists.
  • Topical retinoid.
  • Moisturizer
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Enthralling
  • Vitamin D analogues.

Systematic medication: – Patients may need take oral medicine or injection. Many of medications have side effects as well, so only those medications should be taken which are recommended by the doctor. These medicines includes:-

  • Methotrexate
  • Cyclosporine(sand immune)
  • Biologics
  • Retinoid

